Caitlin O'Rorke filming for Kukutana. Photo by Pere Oliva

Caitlin O'Rorke and Sergio Garcia (van_traveller) filming for National Geographic. Photo by Pere Oliva

Photo by Alícia Rey.

Caitlin O'Rorke, Sergio Garcia (van_traveller) and Olay filming for National Geographic. Photo by Pere Oliva

Caitlin O'Rorke filming interview for National Geographic.
I am_
Video creator based in Barcelona, with experience in directing, producing, filming and editing. I specialize in short-form videos such as promo videos, short documentaries and video content. I sometimes take photos too.
I like_
Interested in sharing stories about people, travel and nature. Mainstream cultural interests in the industry of fashion, music and beauty. Anything that thrills my soul gives sense to my work.
Coming up_
Documentary "Patí Vela Català" produced by Bakery Group (second camera unit). Two short documentaries for Black Saddle (camera and editor) and Existo (editor). Fashion Film "Portraits of Noise" (camera and editor). Ongoing video editor at creative agency CharHadas and ISDIN for brand video content. Open for new creations, collaborations and partnerships.
Director of National Geographic Spain's digital series "Otro Planeta Es Posible"
I studied_
Degree in Audiovisual Design granted with Scholarship and FPI Grant
I speak_
English, Spanish and Catalan
Want to know me a little more?
Here are some interviews about my journey, with Voyage LA magazine, ESDi University and Shoutout LA magazine. Click on images.
¿Quieres saber un poco más?
Aquí tienes algunas entrevistas sobre mi experiencia, con la revista Voyage LA, con la Escuela Superior de Diseño ESDi y la revista Shoutout LA. Haz click sobre las imágenes.
Realizadora de Barcelona con experiencia en dirección, producción, cámara y edición. Me especializo en vídeos cortos como promocionales, cortos documentales y vídeo contenido. A veces también hago fotos.
Me gusta_
Interesada en compartir historias sobre personas, viajes y naturaleza. También en tendencias artísticas y culturales de la industria de la moda, la música y belleza.
Bakery Group (segunda unidad de cámaraBlack Saddle (cámara y edición) y Existo (edición). Fashion Film "Portraits of noise" (cámara y edición). Editora de vídeo con la agencia creativa CharHadas e ISDIN para contenido digital de marcas. Disponible para nuevas creaciones, alianzas y colaboraciones.
Directora de la serie digital de National Geographic España "Otro Planeta Es Posible"
Grado en Diseño Audiovisual con beca de estudiante y beca FPI.
Español, inglés y català.

Caitlin O'Rorke filming for OM Systems with director Álvaro Sanz. Photo by Alícia Rey

Filming with Álvaro Sanz for OM Systems. Caitlin O'Rorke, Janneke van der Pol, Matias Palau. Photo by Alícia Rey

Caitlin O'Rorke filming for National Geographic. Photo by Álex Postigo.

Caitlin O'Rorke filming at National Geographic Women exhibit. Photo by Vanina Romero

Filming at Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future press conference. Photo by Cristina Crespo Garay

Caitlin O'Rorke National Geographic correspondant at COP25. Photo by Cristina Crespo Garay
Caitlin O'Rorke at Primates en España shooting for National Geographic. Photo by Alexandra Roca.

Caitlin O'Rorke at Netflix Los Angeles. Photo by Vanina Romero.
Caitlin O'Rorke, Carlos Guijarro and Emilia y Pablo at Territorio de Delirio music video shooting. Photo by Paula Piñón
Caitlin O'Rorke, Carlos Guijarro at Territorio de Delirio music video shooting. Photo by Paula Piñón
Caitlin O'Rorke filming in Newport Beach

Caitlin O'Rorke directing Adrià Moles in Edinburgh for Diet Now commercial
Caitlin O'Rorke filmmaker

Caitlin O'Rorke presenting for ESDiTV at the 080 Barcelona

Caitlin O'Rorke with ESDiTV team

Caitlin O'Rorke at the short and sweet theatre film hollywood festival

Caitlin O'Rorke and Maria Brasero at the Recent Spanish Cinema in Los Angeles